Saturday, October 17, 2015


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Donald Watson

▶ 2016 Elections  -  Sep 19, 2015
A strong woman is running for president.  She served as first lady of Arkansas and the United States for nineteen years.  She also won a seat in the U.S. Senate and was appointed secretary of state during Obama's first term.

She is Hillary Clinton,  and with the top resume of any candidate seeking the White House,  she should be an odds-on favorite to win.  Nevertheless,  her critics,  many of whom don't want to see her or any woman commander-in-chief,  have devised a sinister plan to keep her out.

The right-wing harps on her use of a private email account while secretary of state.  Others in high government positions have reportedly done the same,  including former Secretary of State Colin Powell and even Jeb Bush while governor of Florida.  In addition, releasing those emails could damage national security,  something Republicans supposedly cherish.  But in the case of Hillary Clinton, the opposite is true.

Other critics of the former first lady cite her unfavorable poll numbers with voters.  However, once the campaign is off- and- running,  Mrs. Clinton will put forth her timeless message of middle-class prosperity,  climate change, and college affordability with widespread acceptance among the American people.  She will also stress the need to be tough on Russia,  Iran,  and China and end the bloodshed in Syria once in office with bipartisan support in Congress.

So what will the right will do next?  They will likely rehash Clinton's blunders from the past, like White Water,  Benghazi, or her husband's charming effect on the opposite sex to derail her campaign.  But without history or other scare tactics,  the GOP has no hope of beating her.  Not only does the electoral map work in Clinton's favor but her positions on the issues.
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