Sunday, September 25, 2016

A Critical Choice

Supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders hate that he lost the Democratic nomination and feel he would have been a better presidential candidate than Senator Clinton.  Many have jumped on the third-party bandwagon or thrown their support behind Trump.

Our backs are against the wall in this election,  and we cannot sit idly by and allow someone unworthy of the office to win.

If Trump wins,  the country may never be the same again.  He will unleash old demons or further divide an already fragile nation with his hate-filled rhetoric regarding women,  Hispanics,  and African Americans.  He will also isolate America from her allies as president by cozying up to Russia and China.  The U.S. will no longer be seen by the rest of the world as someone to count on in times of crisis.

A Trump presidency would also send the nation's economy into a tail spend with his outrageous policies.  The country may likely spend trillions building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico,  leaving little behind for entitlements or job creation.  Trump also pledges to triple military spending like in the 80s,  which could spike inflation,  increase the deficit, and lead to higher taxes at a time when most Americans are just getting back on their feet.

I know the American people want to stick it to "the man" or woman this election,  but now is not the time to be cavalier about voting.  Trump has no intention to rebuild the Rust Belt or stop the flow of jobs abroad.  He also won't be able to keep us safe from terrorism due to his blasting of Islam or efforts to build walls between the U.S. and the rest of the world instead of seeking dialogue.  Winning the presidency would represent another notch in Trump's belt,  and if the American people elect him,  they will wake up a year or more down the road and say to themselves,  "Lord,  what have I done?"

Monday, September 12, 2016

Clinton Must Shine in First Presidential Debate

The first presidential debate will be held in two weeks.  Clinton should state clearly to the American people why she should be president and put to rest any questions regarding her character.

She will need to articulate a clear domestic and foreign policy agenda.  Clinton must address Isis,  Syria, and Russia in a way that will convince voters to back her.  The Syrian Civil War is real, while Putin is on the move.  China is also posturing in the East, which could threaten U.S. interests. 

Secretary Clinton also must discuss ways to make the economy work for all Americans, not just those at the top.   African Americans,  for instance,  have not benefited from the recovery, with an unemployment rate twice the national average.  Poor whites,  Native Americans, and America's youth also feel left out in today's marketplace,  which explains Trump's surge.  To win,  Clinton will need the backing of such voting blocs.

Perhaps above all,  Clinton,  the Democratic nominee, must come clean regarding her time as Secretary of State to erase doubt in the minds of U.S. voters.  If using a private email server was improper or jeopardized U.S. security,  she should admit it so the campaign can move past it.  It would boost her poll numbers and throw Trump off his game.  She must also clear up confusion surrounding donations to the Clinton Foundation while serving in Obama's cabinet.

The thought of a Trump presidency is frightening. It is why Secretary Clinton cannot drop the ball in the final stretch of the 2016 election.

A Crucial Decision

  America is on the cusp of electing a new president with two main contenders vying for the highest office in the land. One has distinguishe...